
ETH Zurich, Switzerland

I joined ETH Zurich, Department of Computer Science in September 2020. I did my Masters in Data Science, and graduated in June 2023. I had the opportunity to work with great colleagues and I am grateful to have been working under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Ulrik Brandes in the Social Networks Lab as a research assistant. I also am grateful to have done my research project and to have done masters thesis under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Andreas Krause in the Learning and Adaptive Systems Group (LAS).

Selected Courses

Advanced Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Big Data, Probabilistic Artificial Intelligence, Network Modelling.

CGPA: 5.83/6.0

Bilkent University, Turkey

I joined Bilkent University in September 2016, and graduated in June 2020. I was an Electrical and Electronics Engineer undergraduate student, where I have met tons of amazing people who are like family now. I had the opportunity to be lectured by Assoc. Prof. Ercument Cicek, who lay the foundations of my interest in AI and Machine Learning. It was also a great experience to learn microeconomics and game theory from Assoc. Prof. Emin Karagozoglu.

Selected Courses

Introduction to Machine Learning, Neural Networks, Statistical Learning and Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Game Theory.

CGPA: 3.92/4.0

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Thanks to the excellent bilateral exchange program offered in Bilkent University, I had the chance to travel and study in Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. I spent great 6 months here, both studying hard and travelling as much as possible.

Selected Courses

Engineering Electromagnetics, Signals and Systems, Electronic Circuit Design, Discrete Mathematics.

CGPA: 5.0/5.0

TED Ankara College, Turkey

Basically, I spent my primary, middle and highschool in TED Ankara College (so a huge part of my life). I was selected to study (top 60 students in the cohort of ~600 students) in the Scholar Development Program during highschool where I had my first experience in attending scientific project competition (I attended the Biology track) and subject olympics, organized by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK).

CGPA: 96.43/100.0